17 June
We've begun working on a new version of Convert - Cocoa-based, of course. Targeting later this year.
08 April
A beta of version 2.0.2 has been posted to the beta area. This release is in response to a user-reported conversion inaccuracy. Since we were in the neighborhood, we threw in a new conversion as well. :-) Thanks, Matthew.
This release contains:
* In the Power category, corrected the gigawatts conversion.
* In the Power category, added support for megawatts conversion.
31 March
The new maintenance release (version 2.0.1) of Convert 2 is here! This release fixes a couple of recently discovered bugs, and add a minor feature or two. Full release notes here. Convert version 2.0.1 is a free update to all registered Convert 2.0 users.
This release contains:
* Convert's icon has been reflowed to make it more sympathetic with Mac OS X look and feel.
* Added a call to install the standard Window menu. That's the one with the Minimize, Cycle Through Windows, etc., items plus the open window list.
* Added conversion in Time category to convert between seconds and frames.
* The Radix category now supports the use of signed and unsigned numbers within appropriate units.
* Convert URL in About box updated.
* Cursor now correctly changes to an I-beam when it is over an edit field.
* Data entry is no longer permitted in the "To:" field.
* Convert no longer Unexpectedly Quits when you option-click into a different application.
* Typing in a valid registration code circumvents any remaining time on the unregistered countdown timer.
* Miscellaneous fixes to appease compiler.
23 March
A new maintenance release (version 2.0.1) of Convert 2 is on the way. This release will fix a couple of recently discovered bugs, and add a minor feature or two. We hope to make this release available later in the week. The version will be free to all registered Convert 2.0 users.
10 July
Great news! Our server problems have been resolved, and the release version of Convert 2 is here!
We look forward to the opportunity to serve the growing legions of Mac OS X users, and are interested in your feedback.